
陶章 博士,副教授
1. 主持国家社科基金项目“滇桂边疆民族地区“新基建”赋能共同富裕的机制与路径研究”
2. 主持省级哲学社会科学基金项目“广西自贸区供应链国际竞争力耦合与提升路径研究”
3. 主持省级哲学社会科学基金项目“ “互联网+”背景下广西生鲜农产品供应链模式研究”
4. 主持广西教育科学“十四五”规划2023年度课题“民族地区教育发展与共同富裕耦合协调机制研究”
1. Zhang Tao, ZhiXiang Ren, Yadi Chen, Xiaoyue Huang, Xiaojun Liu*, Pathway to sustainable economic growth: Linkage among energy consumption, carbon emissions, climate change and technological innovation, Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 50, 2023.(SCI,中科院Ⅱ区)
2. Zhang Tao, Xiao Yue Huang, Yi Jing Dang, Sen Qiao*, The impact of factor market distortions on profit sustainable growth of Chinese renewable energy enterprises: The moderating effect of environmental regulation, Renewable Energy, Volume 200, 2022.(SCI,中科院Ⅰ区)
3. Sen Qiao, Dong Hao Zhao, Zi Xin Guo, Zhang Tao*, Factor price distortions, environmental regulation and innovation efficiency: An empirical study on China's power enterprises, Energy Policy, Volume 164, 2022.(SCI,中科院Ⅰ区)
4. 陶章,乔森. "一带一路"国际贸易的影响因素研究——基于贸易协定与物流绩效的实证检验[J]. 社会科学,2020(1). (CSSCI)
5. Jose Weng Chou Wong, Ivan Ka Wai Lai & Zhang Tao*, Sharing memorable tourism experiences on mobile social media and how it influences further travel decisions, Current Issues in Tourism, 2020.(SSCI,中科院Ⅰ区)